Whey protein is not just for those who want to increase their body mass and get a perfect body shape of their choice. But, it is also for those who wish to reduce their weight. And at the present time, whey protein is the best and most popular protein source. It is one among those protein sources which help you to manage weight.
Proteins are one of the essential compounds for human body functioning. Including enough protein in your diet becomes very important as they help you to balance bodily fluids, supports the nerves and muscle contractions, enhances the skin and hair health etc. There are en number of benefits when it comes to using whey protein benefits when used as a supplement.
What is whey protein?
Whey protein is the collection of proteins found in whey which is a byproduct of cheesemaking. When a coagulant is added to milk, the curd and whey separate. Whey protein is the water-soluble part of milk.
The milk contains two types of protein namely – casein and whey. There is 80% of casein and 20% of whey present in the milk. Natural whey protein powder provides a substantial amount of the essential amino acids that are needed to carry out the functions that proteins perform in the body. Whey protein is typically in the form of a powder that can be added to liquids or soft foods. People commonly take natural whey protein to improve athletic performance and address nutritional deficiencies or problem.
Is whey and casein the same?
As mentioned above, casein is also the type of protein present in milk. There is about 80% of casein and 20% of whey in 100 ml of milk. Thus, whey has a higher percentage of branched chain amino acid when compared to casein. Studies have also proved that whey can be easily digested.
Whey protein and whey protein benefits
Whey protein has cysteine which is an amino acid that is very beneficial as it enhances glutathione level. Cysteine is an antioxidant that helps to reduce the risk of diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes etc.
Let us know about the benefits of whey’ proteins before we jump into any other further questions!
1. Builds muscle

Whey protein is an essential way by which you can add protein in your diet. Thus, when you add protein to your diet, you can gain muscle weight. It can be absorbed quickly by the gut and is also easily digestible. As a supplement the organic whey protein powder is used mostly by athletes and also by individuals with less protein content in their diet.
2. Reduces hunger crave
There are two types of hormones namely – ghrelin and leptin. The ghrelin manages hunger and initiates meal intake. And the leptin suppresses the feeling of hunger which means satiety. These two hormones helps you to manage hunger. Thus, the natural whey protein benefits you by balancing the ghrelin and leptin levels of secretion which in turn decreases the cravings for hunger. And you will not end up overeating.
3. Improves energy
Whey increases glycogen which is a source of energy during exercise. As whey protein can be easily digested it can easily be converted to energy and also help you to increase energy.
4. Reduces fat

Organic Whey protein powder has a larger source of protein which makes it effective to lose weight. The feeling of satiety helps the individual to balance the diet and lose weight apparently.
5. Enhances immunity
The best Whey protein benefits by promoting the synthesis of glutathione. Glutathione helps to boost the immune system and other antioxidants like Vitamin C, E, D, ALA and CoQ10. The presence of Vitamin D enhances the immune function and also demonstrates the microbial action. It also helps the body to recover after workout which in turn avoids impaired immunity, excessive inflammation. The presence of L-arginine and L-lysine promotes immunity.
6. Antioxidant
Antioxidants are the substances which acts against the oxidation in the body, reduces oxidative stress and also cuts the risk of chronic diseases. Natural Whey protein powder benefits by boosting the body’s natural antioxidant defences. Thus, consumption of the best whey protein powder reduces the oxidative stress and also increases the levels of glutathione. Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidant in humans.
7. Treats type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by high blood sugar and impaired function of insulin. Insulin is a hormone which is supposed to stimulate uptake of blood sugar into cells. Natural Whey protein powder seems to have high sources of protein when compared to egg white etc. Thus, natural whey protein powder can be used as an effective supplement for type 2 diabetes.
8. Beneficial for bowel movements
Inflammatory bowel movements is a condition which takes place by the chronic inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract. It has been found that supplementation of organic whey protein benefits on inflammatory bowel movements. And the consumption of a balanced diet with natural whey protein powder as a supplement can be beneficial for easy bowel movements. But, there are yet more studies to be conducted before making strong claims.
Improvements after intake of whey protein
- Increase in muscle mass
- Motivation for workout
- Feeling of strongness
How is natural whey protein available?
Whey protein is available in dry and powdered form.
How to take whey protein?
The whey protein comes in flavoured form which can be added to smoothie or shakes. You can also blend the powder with fresh fruits or you can add them to soft foods. Taking natural whey protein shakes is a better option as it tastes good and is also stomach filling.
Serving size

Usually, you can take 1-2 teaspoon of organic whey protein powder after workout everyday. You can use organic whey protein powder as a supplement only if the protein intake is less in your diet.
Side effects
- People with kidney problem can avoid the intake of whey protein powder.
- Too much is too bad, no matter what! If you take in too much of whey protein which has high source of protein can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea, crampedness, nausea etc.
- If you are lactose intolerant, then you can avoid intake of whey protein powder as it causes adverse effects depending upon the degree of intolerance. Instead consume foods with high protein content.
- Intake of whey protein increases the sebum production which in turn leads to acne breakout.
Five Benefits of Whey Protein for Women:
- Promotion of Lean Muscle Mass: In contrast to the misinterpretation that protein consumption results in bulking up, scientific studies signifies that women implementing higher-protein diets are nearly able to discard unwanted body fat while sustaining lean muscle mass. Products like Whey protein not only support in sustaining lean muscle but also deliver satiety, curbing irrelevant snacking habits.
- Combating Age-Related Muscle Loss: As we come to a certain age, the stability between muscle and fat in our body transfers adversely. From the mid-forties onward, muscle reduces, and fat accumulates. Research demonstrates a diminishing in muscle mass of nearly 3–8% per decade after the age of 30, gaining further after 60, leading to sarcopenia. Increased lean muscle mass supports calorie burning, and long-term protein utilization may minimize the risk of sarcopenia.
- Enhancement of Bone Health: Protein, consisting of 50% of bone volume and one-third of its mass, delivers an important role in bone health. Women, more receptive to conditions like osteoporosis, experience a reduction in bone density with age, most commonly post-menopause. Whey protein, along with enough Vitamin D and calcium, adding towards bone health, acting as a preventive step against osteoporosis.
- Support for the Immune System: Sufficient protein intake, mixed with a balanced diet, assists and improves immunity. Whey protein products, well-renowned for elevating glutathione production, promptly participate in host immunity, delivering protection against harmful infections and viruses.
- Nourishment for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails: Protein is necessary for the production of healthy hair, skin, and nails, along with collagen and keratin delivering an imperative structural role. Whey protein supplements, involving collagen, have been well-renowned to significantly improve the health of hair, skin, and nails.
Is whey protein good for pregnant women or lactating women?
When it comes to pregnant women or lactating women, she requires a greater quantity of protein in her diet. Every diet is not suitable for every women, it differs from one individual to another. But consuming protein powder when the women is pregnant or lactating may not be right as there may be artificial sweeteners which may affect the fetus or the infant.
Before you think about taking natural whey protein as a supplement if you are a pregnant women or a lactating women, you can consult your family doctor.
Is whey protein good for children?
Children can take in enough amount of nutrients through a balanced diet. If your child has enough fruits, vegetables, dry fruits and foods rich in proteins can be much beneficial than taking whey protein powder. As the natural whey protein powder may contain excess amount of protein which can turn into excess fat which may lead to obesity.
But if you feel your child needs a supplement for protein, it would be better to consult your doctor.
Is whey protein good for you? In order to reap the benefits of whey protein you need to choose the best organic whey protein powder. Make sure that it comes from grass-fed cows. You might have had a myth that whey protein can be consumed by bodybuilders, athletes or hulks. But, every adult who feels that there should a supplement of protein in his/her diet plan can take natural whey protein without any worry. Protein helps to generate hormones, enzymes and body chemicals. Thus, the protein is an important building block of bones, skin, blood and cartilage etc, which tells that the body needs large amounts of proteins along with fats and carbohydrates etc.
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